POWs at Breckinridge

  1. Five German POWs originally interred at the Prisoner of War Cemetery, Camp Breckinridge.  Interred at Fort Knox, KY since 1947.
  2. Rare image of POWs working on a farm near Henderson, KY, June 22, 1943.  WKU.
  3. German prisoners in America, February 19, 1985 article.  Includes image of German POWs in the POW compound at Breckinridge.
  4. Axis prisoners of WWII here.   Reported in the Chicago Tribune, September 25, 1943.
  5. LIFE Magazine, November 20, 1944 features German POWs at Breckinridge.   Includes over a dozen images.  Click here to view the entire magazine.
  6. Cruel Sport Just Clean Fun for Captured Afrika Korps here.  Reported in the Chicago Sunday Tribune, June 20, 1943.
  7. Captured Germans Enjoy Full Sports Schedule at Kentucky Prison Camp hereIncludes three images.  Reported in Reading Eagle, June 11, 1944, page 12.
  8. Thomas McAvoy, LIFE photographer, visits POW compound at Breckinridge here.

Emil Minotti  7-8-44 article

Alva, Oklahoma POW camphere.