Leslie O. Tilton, Jr., R Co, 516th, 101st

Leslie O. Tilton, Jr.
The following March 15, 1951, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, column 1: Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Tilton of Lowell, recently enjoyed a week-end at home. Leslie is attending food preparation courses at Camp Breckenridge, Ky. He will appreciate receiving letters from home friends, address: Pvt. Leslie O. Tilton, Jr., U.S. 55090441, 2128 ASU Food Service Sub-School, Camp Breckenridge, Ky.
The following March 22, 1951, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 3, column 6:
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Verkler of Cedar Lake announce the betrothal of their daughter, Dolores Ann, to Pvt. Leslie O. Tilton, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie O. Tilton of Lowell. The two have not made wedding plans as yet.
A graduate of Crown Point high school, the bride-elect is a secretary in the office of W.E. Kurtz, Inc., Crown Point.
Pvt. Tilton is stationed at Camp Breckinridge, Ky. He attended Lowell high school before entering the service.

This August 9, 1951, Lowell Tribune article was found page 1, column 5: After enjoying a 10 day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tilton, Pfc. Leslie Tilton, Jr., returned Thursday to Camp Breckinridge, Ky., where he serves as an army cook.
The following September 13, 1951, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, column 1: Pfc. Leslie Tilton, stationed at Camp Breckinridge, Ky., enjoyed the weekend at home. On Labor Day his parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tilton, and Ralph and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Wood, visited him at camp.
Another article (page 5, column 5) in the same issue of the paper gives this additional information:
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tilton and son, Ralph, accompanied their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Wood on a pleasant week’s vacation trip. At Bicknell, Ind., they were guests of the former’s brother and family, the William Tiltons, and at Camp Breckinridge, Ky., they visited Pfc. Leslie Tilton, Jr. They toured Missouri and Kansas and at Oklahoma City they visited the Robert McClanahans. Enroute home they enjoyed sightseeing at Ononadga Cave in Missouri.
The following January 3, 1952, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, column 4: Pfc. Leslie Tilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie O. Tilton, has returned to Camp Breckenridge, Ky., after enjoying seven days at home. Leslie, who has been in service one year today, January 3, has been a cook at Camp Breckenridge since completing his basic training there.
This March 13, 1952, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 1, column 1: Leslie O. Tilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie O. Tilton Sr., was awarded a corporal’s rating (and pay) on March 5th. Leslie, who was inducted January 3, 1951, is still stationed at Camp Breckinridge where he received his basic training. He is now 1st cook at the camp. Like all fellows in service, Leslie enjoys hearing from hone friends. Address: Cpl. Leslie O. Tilton, Jr., U.S. 55090441, Co. R 516 Abn. Inf. Regt., Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky.
This June 5, 1952, Lowell Tribune article was found on page 3, columns 2-3:
Cpl. L.O. Tilton Claims Dolores Verkler as Bride
Miss Dolores Ann Verkler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Verkler of Cedar Lake, became the bride of Cpl. Leslie O. Tilton, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tilton of Lowell, Saturday, May 17, at 8:30 p.m. at the Cedar Lake Methodist Church.
Rev. Fred McNeil read the double ring ceremony before the altar decorated with baskets of yellow glads and snapdragons, Mrs. Kohlmeyer, organist, played bridal selections throughout the ceremony.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a ballerina length gown of white nylon tulle with a lace bodice and jacket. A pearl band held her shoulder length veil and she carried a bouquet of white carnations, lilies of the valley, and pink tea roses.

Mrs. Rex Ott, matron of honor, wore a ballerina length gown of blue nylon marquisette with a matching hat and carried a nosegay of white carnations and pink roses. Rollo Maul attended the bridegroom as best man.

A reception was held immediately after the ceremony in the church parlor for close relatives and friends. Those who served were Mrs. Maul, Mrs. Ray Pigg, and Miss Mary Leathers.

Upon their return from a wedding trip to the southwest, the bride will reside with her parents while her husband reports to Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky, for further Army duty. He attended Lowell high school before entering the service. He expects his discharge in January. Mrs. Tilton, a graduate of Crown Point High School with the class of 1950, is employed by Fleming Farm Service.

Source:  Lowell Library, Lowell, Indiana.